Notes in preparation for a Management Committee meeting with the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) in 1994 dealing with conflict over the text of the then upcoming issue of Commentary which was later published independently as “Looking For Culture”. I found the positioned I was going to tale and my very partial recording of words and expressions used at the meeting (including names) in a note book from the year 1994 that include forums I attended, graduates schools I thought I might apply for and jobs as well.  It has an entry that documents my then ongoing troubles with the Immigration Department: “Immigration called to find out if I had re-newed my two week pass!” Also a draft of a note to the Head of Department, promising to hand in chapters for my masters, the other personal saga dogging me at that time. The meeting ended with the resignation of the Editorial Board but not before a long ‘charge sheet’ was levelled against contributions in this issue of Commentary that had taken up the proscription of Forum Theatre and Performance Art, following the Joseph Ng Affair.  My brother Sanjay Kuttan was at the meeting being member of the NUSS Management Committee as were several socially prominent individuals like Zaibun Siraj (Aware) and lawyers Anwarul Haq and Chandra Mohan. I had to leave Singapore a few months later.