==PODCAST LINK== http://www.bfm.my/current-affairs-bar…

The Highlights!

1. 1MDB heads our list of stories that grabbed frontages and the lion share of column inches both locally and internationally. Bank Negara chief assured us this week that 1MDB’s problems don’t pose a “systemic risk” for the country’s financial system. From the confident smiles just a few weeks ago, to this morning’s admission by the deputy finance minister that not all is well.

2. Dr Mahathir once dubbed him “Ustad Air Liur” for his alleged practice of making water holy by spitting into water bottles and distributing it to the faithful. Who is he? Well he has just been elected the new Masyidul Am or Spritual leader of PAS.

3. And the Selangor Water restructuring exercise is dead … well, dead in the water with federal and state governments blaming each other for the latest twist in this on-going saga. But the story of the week for me is a debate in the legal fraternity. Argumentative lawyers? Where’s the news in that, you ask? Well the Annual General Meeting to be held tomorrow is no regular noisy legal shindig.

So, is the Bar Council a house divided? Sharaad Kuttan explores the subject on this week’s Headlines

Host : Sharaad Kuttan

Producer : Josh Wong

Research : Melanie Abraham