Panic Buttons – Culture and Crisis in Malaysia and the Region at The Actors Studio Bangsar last Sunday (11 June 2006). It ended a preceding two-day Roundtable Forum on “Crisis, Performance, Rights” at Valentine Willie Fine Art.

This a review of the event by Benjamin Mckay [June 15, 2006]. Many were involved across the region – Singapore, Indonesia. Thailand – to make this happen but I believe it was initiated by Ray Langenbach, who christened the initiative “Panic Buttons”.

Benjamin notes my participation: “Hosted with considerable panache by intellectual Sharaad Kuttan, the panellists Kathy Rowland, Thai artist-activist Chumpon Apisuk, Goenawan Mohamad, translator and scholar Jennifer Lindsay, Lee Weng Choy, Malaysian artist Yap Sau Bin and PR consultant John Pang collectively distilled much that was discussed in the previous two days and opened that discussion up to the public for their critical engagement.”

Looking for more material on the event, preparations for it and reviews or responses to it.